Complete List of Laboratory Tests

Soils Testing
  • Grain Size Analysis (Dry Sieve), ASTM C 136/AASHTO T 27
  • Grain Size Analysis (Wet Sieve), ASTM C 117, C 136/AASHTO T 11, T 27
  • Hydrometer Analysis, ASTM D 422/AASHTO T 88
  • Atterberg Limits, ASTM D 4318/AASHTO T 89, T 90
  • Laboratory M-D Test (Standard Proctor), ASTM D 698/AASHTO T 99
  • Laboratory M-D Test (Modified Proctor), ASTM D 1557/AASHTO T 180
  • Laboratory CBR Test (3-Point), ASTM D 1883/AASHTO T 193
  • Laboratory Permeability Test (Falling Head-Cohesive Soil)
  • Laboratory Permeability Test (Falling Head-Granular Soil)
  • Laboratory Permeability Test (Triaxial), ASTM D 5084
  • Laboratory Permeability Test (Constant Head), ASTM D 2434/AASHTO T 215
  • Moisture Content Test, ASTM D 2216
  • pH, ASTM D 4972
  • Resistivity, ASTM G 51
  • Bulk Specific Gravity of Soil, ASTM D 854
  • Organic Content (Ignition), ASTM D 2974
  • Consolidation Test, ASTM D 2435
  • Shelby Tube Sample Testing
  • Soil Description and Identification, ASTM D 2488
  • Topsoil Evaluation, ASTM D 5268
Aggregate Testing
  • Sulfate Soundness, ASTM C88/AASHTO T 104
  • Fractured Faces, ASTM D 5821
  • L. A. Wear, ASTM C 131/AASHTO T 96
  • Dry Rodded Unit Weight, ASTM C 29/AASHTO T 19
  • Friable Particles, ASTM C 142/AASHTO T 112
  • Organic Impurities, ASTM C 40/AASHTO T 21
  • Specific Gravity & Absorption of Coarse Aggregate, ASTM C 127/AASHTO T 84
  • Specific Gravity & Absorption of Fine Aggregate, ASTM C 128/AASHTO T 85
  • Material Finer Than a #200 Sieve, ASTM C 117/AASHTO T 11
  • Washington Degradation
  • Potential Alkali Reactivity of Aggregates, ASTM C 1260
  • Lightweight Particles in Aggregate, ASTM C 123
  • Sand Equivalent, ASTM D 2419/AASHTO T 176
  • Flat & Elongated Particles, ASTM D 4791
  • Uncompacted Void Content, ASTM C 1252/AASHTO T 304 (without Specific Gravity)
  • Uncompacted Void Content, ASTM C 1252/AASHTO T 304 (with Specific Gravity)
  • Micro Deval Testing, ASTM D 6928/AASHTO T 327
Block and Masonry Testing
  • Absorption & Moisture Content (Set of 3), ASTM C 140
  • Linear Shrinkage (Set of 3), ASTM C 426
  • Fire Rating (Set of 3), ASTM E 119
  • Efflorescence (Per Set), ASTM C 67
  • Compression Testing (Masonry Prism), ASTM C 1314
  • Compression Testing (Concrete Masonry Unit, Set of 3) ASTM C 140
  • Compression Testing (Mortar Cube), ASTM C 109
  • Compression Testing (Brick), ASTM C 67
  • Compression Testing (Brick Prism) ASTM C 1314
  • Compression Testing (Grout Prism), ASTM C 1019
  • Absorption of Brick (Set of 5), ASTM C 67
  • Initial Absorption of Brick (Set of 5), ASTM C 67
Concrete Testing
  • Cylinder Compression Testing, ASTM C 39/AASHTO T 22
  • Drilled Core Compression Testing, ASTM C 42/AASHTO T 24
  • Flexure Test Concrete Beam, ASTM C 78/AASHTO T 97
  • Absorption Test of Drilled Cores, ASTM C 497/AASHTO T 280
  • Electrical Indication of Concrete’s Ability to Resist Chloride Ion Penetration, ASTM C 1202
  • Absorption in Concrete Pipe (Set), ASTM C 497
  • Surface Resistivity Using a Wenner Probe, AASHTO TP 95
Hot Mix Asphalt Testing
  • Extraction (Chemical), AASHTO T 164
  • Extraction (Ignition), ASTM D 6307/AASHTO T 308
  • HMA Core Bulk Specific Gravity, AASHTO T 166
  • Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity, AASHTO T 209
Rock Testing
  • Rock Core Compression Strength, ASTM D 7012-10
    • Method C – Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Intact Rock Cores
    • Method D – Elastic Moduli of Intact Rock Core Specimens in Uniaxial Compression
Machine performing a soil consolidation test